Saving our native takahē from near extinction – a dramatic story of rediscovery and recovery

TAKAHĒ: Bird of Dreams ALISON BALLANCE Aotearoa’s redoubtable takahē were twice declared extinct. Hovering on the brink, the species was famously rediscovered by Invercargill doctor Geoffrey Orbell in the Murchison Mountains of Fiordland in 1948. His significant find of a small population at that time grabbed news headlines and sparked …

The political battle for Māori land and rangatiratanga

The Fate of the Land Ko ngā Ākinga a ngā Rangatira Māori Political Struggle in the Liberal Era 1891-1902 DANNY KEENAN The Liberal era in New Zealand politics — 1891 to 1912 — was a pivotal one for Māori. Rangatira fought hard both within the parliamentary system and outside it …

An important new history through a queer lens

MEDIA RELEASE Downfall: The destruction of Charles Mackay PAUL DIAMOND In May 1920, a shocking scandal rocked genteel Whanganui: the town’s flamboyant mayor, Charles Mackay, had been arrested for shooting the young gay poet D’Arcy Cresswell, who he believed was blackmailing him. The local population was enthralled by the history-making …

Simplicity gives away thousands of books to help raise Kiwis’ financial literacy

MEDIA RELEASE  Kiwi non-profit fund manager Simplicity has teamed up with Potton & Burton publisher Robbie Burton to produce a smart money guide, in plain English, for all New Zealanders. Their collaboration brings Money Made Simple to fruition and realises one of Managing Director Sam Stubbs’s long-held ambitions – to …