
Chosen by Dunedin UNESCO City of Literature

One of my all-time favourite reads in 2021 is Dougal Rillstone’s captivating memoir, ‘Upstream on the Mataura.’  It’s one of those quiet, searing books which take up residence in your life.  You find yourself recalling deeply moving and poetic lines; marveling at the author’s journey to self, and beyond.  On the surface, it’s about fly fishing.  Beneath, it’s a rich seam of bucolic history, passion for moving water, the land, biodiversity.  It’s also an urgent plea for guardianship of our rivers.  Heralded by everyone from Jim Mora  to Tony Orman, I’ve just found out Dougal’s book has been chosen as one of 17 books in UNESCO Cities of Literature 2021 campaign #17Booksfor17SDGs.

Bagging a book deal

Landing a publishing deal for one of your authors is always a big deal.  Thornton Communications is delighted to have made this happen again for long-term client and friend, Harold Hillman.  Bateman Books will be publishing his next book Em-pa-thy in July 2021.  Harold is a leadership expert, writer and the MD of Sigmoid Curve Consulting Group.  His previous books are: The Impostor Syndrome (Random House NZ) and Fitting In Standing Out (Penguin Random House), deals also struck by Thornton Communications.